Greater Baton Rouge Chapter SPY Award: The Safety Professional of the Year Award is presented annually to an ASSP member who demonstrates outstanding achievement in the occupational safety and health (OSH) field while also advancing the OSH profession overall.
Above and Beyond Award: This award is given to recognize one or more individuals during the most recent chapter year for extra effort provided on one or more projects or overall to the mission of the chapter.
Gator Award for Sponsor of the Year: Given to the company that’s gone the extra mile to support the chapter.
Langlois/Weigand Award: This goes to an individual who has given extra time and effort to the chapter way beyond simply attending meetings. It is intended to recognize those individuals who have contributed significantly (via their time, efforts, and expertise) over a long period of time both to the Chapter and to the field of safety in general.
President’s Award: Given by the President to an Executive Board member (typically) who has really assisted the President in successfully accomplishing the duties of the position and the goals of the Board.
Previous Award Recipients: